Tambopata: one of the world’s most important natural reserves

Terra Explorer
December 16, 2020

Can you imagine paddling through one of the most diverse, important and beautiful rivers of the Peruvian Amazon? Diving into the virgin jungle and camp on a sandy beach while appreciating different species in their natural habitat? Tambopata, an Amazon River trips, that offers everyone these incredible experiences.

If you are a nature and types of adventure tourism lover, we invite you to visit Tambopata. A destination that you should not miss while visiting our country. Get your bags ready to come explore Peru with Terra Explorer!


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What is Tambopata? 

Tambopata is a province in the department of Madre de Dios, a river, and a natural reserve. Its name origins from Quechua, “tambo” meaning a temporary place for rest, and “pata”, high point.

It was given this name because of the river, which originates in Puno highlands, very close to Titicaca Lake, and descends towards Madre de Dios.

Tambopata National Reserve


tambopata national reserve


Located in the province of Tambopata, and covering an area of 274,690 hectares, Tambopata National Reserve was created with the purpose of protecting the flora and fauna of the tropical rainforest, as well as promoting conservation and sustainable use of resources.

This reserve is considered to have one of the highest index of biological diversity in the planet, in between 632 bird, 1200 butterfly and 169 mammal species. 

From the south, it is surrounded by the Bahuaja Sonene National Park, together they form one of Peru’s most important protection unit.

The Tambopata river basin has one of the highest biodiversity index levels in the world. Among its most common ecosystems are aguajales, swamps, pacal and riparian forests.

The reserve protects important species considered endangered and offers tourism a privileged destination for the conservation of the diversity of flora and fauna. 

Who are part of the Reserve?

Tambopata National Reserve is the home of the native community Ese Eja, a group of indigenous who have lived in the region for many years. They are divided into three native communities that live around the Reserve: Infierno (200 families), Palma Real (50 families), and Sonene (20 families).

Nowadays, chestnut picking and tourism are the main economic activities made inside the Reserve. Additionally, in the surrounding areas, the cacao, papaya, and pineapple cultivation are now very common.

What can you see inside Tambopata Reserve?

The Reserve is so big that there are countless attractions, among those that stand out:

El Chuncho Macaws Collpa

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In the last years, El Chuncho has become very popular because of its perfect landscape for postal photos. From 5 a.m., you can appreciate the arrival of flocks of birds coming from Tambopata river.

Valencia Lagoon


lago valencia


In its surroundings, you’ll find trees like Pumaquiro, Chestnut, and Palmetto. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll be able to observe mountain turkeys, monkeys, herons, lizards, and turtles. You could also fish paiches, piranhas, doncellas, and dorados.

Sandoval Lagoon

It has a length of 3 km and a depth of up to 3 mt. So its waters have great ichthyologic wealth. Orchids, mahogany, palm tres, platanillos, and ungurahuis thrive. Birds such as toucans, macaws, and cormorants are part of the area’s habitat.

Colorado Macaws Collpa

Here there gather at least six different species of macaws, parakeets, and parrots to feed on clay, a natural mineral that serves as a food supplement.

What do we offer you in Terra Explorer?


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Live an incredible expedition through the Amazonas for nine days touring Puno, Madre de Dios, and the Tambopata Bahuaja National Park.

This expedition along the Tambopata River takes us from the high points of the Andes to the Amazon. There are more than 4000 meters of descent, offering us the opportunity to appreciate the surrounding nature uniquely. 

During the expedition along the river, we’ll stop seeing the local habitants to immerse ourselves in the virgin jungle. You’ll have the opportunity to appreciate wildlife in a way never seen before.


adventure tourism activities

For five days, you’ll tour the Tambopata, camp on the shores of the river, observe tapirs, capybaras, alligators, monkeys, and if we get the chance, we’ll see jaguars. The last night in the area, you’ll stay at the Tambopata Research Center lodge, and visit the largest macaw collpa in the area.

Our team of professionals will not only be in charge of ensuring your wellbeing, but they’ll also guide you during this magical experience. And best of all is that no previous experience is required in this type of activities, so you can practice rafting without any problems.

Now that you know more about Tambopata, would you be willing to live such a fantastic adventure in this destination? In Terra Explorer, we have several itineraries made for you, get in touch with us, and we will help you design the trip of your dreams!

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